Are you starting to lose hope and even confidence in yourself? You want to be in a great relationship, but are tired of searching for the ‘one.’ There may be many reasons that your current dating situation is leaving you feeling rejected and unfulfilled.
This can be a problem if you are choosing the wrong person, or attracted to the same ‘type’ of person over and over, even when you have been hurt before. Similarly, you may be ‘settling’ for the same personality trait, because it feels ‘familiar’ or you don’t believe you can attract someone better, even if it ends up contributing to your problems.
Whether you are attracting partners that are ‘emotionally unavailable’ and it goes nowhere; or, whether you self - sabotage a relationship, just as it’s going well - there is now scientific research conducted at The University of Ontario to support the fact that people repeat unconscious patterns in their relationships.
Dating can be tough in this current climate, whether it’s on-line, with little time, or trawling the bars – this can leave you dis-illusioned in reaching your goal of finding a long term and meaningful relationship.
How I can help
In this programme, you will learn to become aware of these patterns, negative self- talk, past triggers and just ‘trying too hard’- all of which can cause unconscious blocks in progressing to the next level. You will begin to learn from the past instead of just ‘re-living’ it. By releasing these barriers, undoing past trauma of previous relationships, bad experiences and building esteem and authenticity, you can naturally attract those with whom you are in alignment with.
There are no live videos to watch, no ‘relationship gurus’, or endless monthly direct-debits, just a bespoke 5-6 session programme to include a number of techniques and tools that you can learn and practice, in preparing you to ‘allow’ the right relationship to manifest into your life. Call or meet me for a free consultation to see how I may be able to help you.
I have been working with Anita and she has helped me with Relationship Therapy.
I was lost and needed some direction. Anita has an aptitude for relationship issues and she spent time listening to my dating history and structured a program just for me. I found it very easy to follow, compared to some costly, so-called-relationship-experts, that I’ve used in the past. Anita’s programme helped me to become aware and change my thinking to stop repeating patterns of the past. I learned to create a new mind-set through her structured programme of hypnotherapy and CBT, in attracting love. Her voice was soothing and calming and I felt safe and relaxed with her during hypnotherapy. I strongly recommend Anita if you need help in attracting your soul mate.
Ms MTransformational - that summarises my sessions with Anita! She was professional but personable and though I’ve tried lots of things in the past, they didn’t really work. Her sessions really got me to make peace with my past and commit to a different dating future. I feel great! Thanks Anita!
Anon, LondonI’m on the dating programme and it’s already made a noticeable impact on my mindset and attitude towards dating and my future. I would highly recommend the programme, it’s so uplifting and challenges you in a way that you wouldn’t look back. Anita is amazing and makes you feel so comfortable. It’s definitely worth trying!
Ms SI would like to deeply thank Anita for the wonderful work she has done. I had my first session in January 2020 and went on to meet my now husband in July, only 6 months later.
Her sessions really helped me identify what was causing ‘the block’ in finding a partner and she showed me the patterns I was repeating in several relationships. I would highly recommend working with Anita. she helped me to work on myself which meant putting me first, for a change.!
Other people including family and friends will always give their advice, based on culture and expectations - about what they think is right for you, but listening to them sent me round in circles. In my opinion it’s worth seeking professional and unbiased support to get to the root cause, which I found gave me much needed clarity.
I’m now happily married, and I definitely credit her sessions as a stepping stone to this positive result in my life.
S.SAnita helped me to deeply relax during hypnotherapy and I was surprised the next morning when, for the first time in years, I didn’t get the usual ‘morning anxiety’ that I have been waking up with for years.
Mrs KAnita listened to me about anger issues regarding my son aged 12. It was leading to violence at school, who were about to contact the police as well as suspension. When my son started the treatment, she really engaged with him and he felt very comfortable talking to her. Thank you, Anita for showing him how to deal with these emotions.
Mrs MMy husband is much calmer after doing the anger hypnotherapy, we are making some progress now in our relationship.
Couples Therapy AnonHypnotherapy is not like what you see on films, or a swinging watch!
It’s a kind of guided meditation allowing you to delve into your subconscious and think about your triggers, feelings and emotions which become apparent in your everyday life, either in actions or behaviours. There is a CBT element to this practice which is what you take with you when you leave a session - this has been the most effective part in helping me to stop my addictive habit of biting my nails and I continue not to bite!
MS M.LThanks, so much Anita, for everything! I’m really going to miss our sessions and talking to you, but I feel stronger now than I ever have before. I feel ready to tackle the next part of my life using all the tools you’ve provided to restore my self-confidence and self-belief. Before talking to you I was always so self-critical about myself; I could do better, work harder, be funnier, and this created such blocks in my life. But now I realise that the person I am is good enough, I’m looking forward to getting to know myself in this light and it’s all because of you. You’ve changed my life
AnonThe Dating Therapy Programme Affairs and Betrayal Anxiety & Stress Depression Anger & Addiction Bereavement Therapy Hypno-meditation Pre- Marriage Therapy Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage The Divorce & Separation Therapy Programme Should I Stay or Go – Marriage & Relationship Therapy Programme Self Esteem Self Love & Confidence
Read Reviews from Clients just like you
I have been working with Anita and she has helped me with Relationship Therapy.
I was lost and needed some direction. Anita has an aptitude for relationship issues and she spent time listening to my dating history and structured a program just for me. I found it very easy to follow, compared to some costly, so-called-relationship-experts, that I’ve used in the past. Anita’s programme helped me to become aware and change my thinking to stop repeating patterns of the past. I learned to create a new mind-set through her structured programme of hypnotherapy and CBT, in attracting love. Her voice was soothing and calming and I felt safe and relaxed with her during hypnotherapy. I strongly recommend Anita if you need help in attracting your soul mate.
Ms MAnita helped me identify where these low moods were coming from. I was in an unhappy relationship and felt worthless. I was so tired and fed up. My needs weren’t being met. She helped me so much … thank you.