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Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage

Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage

Co-dependency is a learned behaviour and it’s these unconscious wounds that drive us into red flag territory - the worst part is that we do not realise what is going on and either chase unavailable partners time and time again…or live in a loveless partnership – probably because we never learned what a good partnership looks like. These are deeply engrained traumas, which is why hypnotherapy communicates so much more effectively as a therapy, to help us understand that out beliefs of not being worthy of love and settling for less, are completely false.

The programme is custom tailored to :

Educate you about emotional abuse, how you got here and awakening you from living an unaware unconscious life; Building a strong sense of self, so that you feel ‘good enough’ and no longer operate from a place of fear, not making your partner the centre of your universe any longer, and stop being a people pleaser;

Listening to Hypnotherapies will develop the strength you need as well as give you practical strategies in how to deal with a narcissist on a daily basis, you will begin to trust yourself after years of gaslighting and make decisions for your well- being and your children;

‘How To Take Practical First Steps’ whether to leave or stay, under my guidance as a former divorce lawyer, along-side safeguarding. Learning to stop being attracted to unavailable types in the future, breaking repetitive and romantic obsession and patterns, and understanding what a healthier ‘road map to love’ looks like.

Giving you the clarity and support you need to truly move forward.

Co-dependency is not true love. It is a love addiction that can destroy your relationship and destroy you as a person.

Call me to see if I can help you

  • I am so thankful that I decided to contact Anita for dealing with a narcissist. I was in a really toxic relationship for four years, which left me feeling really lost and confused about whether I should stay in this relationship or go. My instincts kept telling me to leave over the last few years but I ignored it - hoping and praying that things will improve.

    Anita helped me open my eyes and see all the red flags in the relationship which I brushed under the carpet. I’ve learnt so many valuable lessons about myself, my personality type and different attachment styles and how this affects relationships. Anita gave me so much knowledge and as a result I found the courage to leave the unhappy situation.

    Anita taught me how I can be happy by improving my self esteem and confidence which I lost whilst I was with him- I now finally understand it’s all about self love and the hypnotherapy really helped with that.

    I highly recommend Anita as she is extremely professional, knowledgable and very easy to talk to! She has such a calm, soothing voice which helps anyone feel at ease! I honestly feel like I’ve found a friend in Anita- a friend who saved me from ruining my life with a narcissist.

  • The cheating was one of the many red flags I ignored. Probably scared to be on my own. I won’t accept this again. Self- esteem work and affirmations really helped

  • Anita helped me when I came to her, my relationship with my fiancé was strange and uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure whether it was wedding nerves or something deeper. I worked with Anita and realised how I was trying ‘too hard’ with him. I had lost my confidence and spark. He picked everything, venue, my outfits, my friends. I even let his mum walk all over me. I exited this toxic relationship with absolutely no regret.


The Dating Therapy Programme Affairs and Betrayal Anxiety & Stress Depression Anger & Addiction Bereavement Therapy Hypno-meditation Pre- Marriage Therapy Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage The Divorce & Separation Therapy Programme Should I Stay or Go – Marriage & Relationship Therapy Programme Self Esteem Self Love & Confidence

The Dating Therapy Programme Affairs and Betrayal Anxiety & Stress Depression Anger & Addiction Bereavement Therapy Hypno-meditation Pre- Marriage Therapy Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage The Divorce & Separation Therapy Programme Should I Stay or Go – Marriage & Relationship Therapy Programme Self Esteem Self Love & Confidence


Read Reviews from Clients just like you

  • I am so thankful that I decided to contact Anita for dealing with a narcissist. I was in a really toxic relationship for four years, which left me feeling really lost and confused about whether I should stay in this relationship or go. My instincts kept telling me to leave over the last few years but I ignored it - hoping and praying that things will improve.

    Anita helped me open my eyes and see all the red flags in the relationship which I brushed under the carpet. I’ve learnt so many valuable lessons about myself, my personality type and different attachment styles and how this affects relationships. Anita gave me so much knowledge and as a result I found the courage to leave the unhappy situation.

    Anita taught me how I can be happy by improving my self esteem and confidence which I lost whilst I was with him- I now finally understand it’s all about self love and the hypnotherapy really helped with that.

    I highly recommend Anita as she is extremely professional, knowledgable and very easy to talk to! She has such a calm, soothing voice which helps anyone feel at ease! I honestly feel like I’ve found a friend in Anita- a friend who saved me from ruining my life with a narcissist.

  • Anita is a kind, empathic, warm relationship therapist. She will guide you through your divorce using insightful and helpful strategies tailored to the individual. Anita helped me through my divorce wth everything from coping strategies, how to communicate with an ex, to understanding the grieving process and creating protective boundaries - all of which helped tremendously. Anita offers hypnotherapy relevant to you needs which is very relaxing, calming and grounding - the perfect way to end your session.

Drop me a line... I’m here to help