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How to Control Anxiety, Panic and Depression

How to Control Anxiety, Panic and Depression

Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the UK, and while its normal to worry or feel anxious when life becomes stressful, when this crosses the line into being a disorder and preventing you from doing things you enjoy, it might be time to get some help.

Most people are now aware of the ‘fight or flight’ response ‘: What if I can’t pay the mortgage…..What if my partner leaves me ……I’m no good at my job…..Ill probably fail the exam. But if we are constantly ‘living in survival mode’ we put immense pressure on our sympathetic nervous system. The mind - body connection dictates that emotional disturbances totally impact the body and chronic anxiety is now linked to multiple health problems, including heart disease, respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal problems, as well as suppressing the immune system.

There is more than one type of anxiety disorder which you can read below, but it’s important to know that anxiety is treatable. Using relaxing hypnotherapy and CBT you can learn how to use resources and multiple tools to quickly restore balance to your stressed mind and healing to your body, finally giving you the freedom of being you again. Don’t suffer in silence any longer and call for a free consultation to see if I can help you.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Feelings of worry, nervousness and unease may not be obviously linked to a stressful event in your life. You may not know the reasons why you are feeling this way. This sometimes persistent and nagging feeling of dread is called Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This can last for months, or years, and nearly always has a negative impact on many areas of your life.

Many sufferers have turned to medication and whilst this may help short-term it may not be an ideal long- term solution for everyone. Constant worry puts immense pressure on the mind and body and can escalate to physical illness and worsening anxiety causing panic attacks.


Anxiety can be linked to depression if you worry excessively and for longer periods. This overloads the brains REM response and you may wake up feeling exhausted, even if you have slept. Emotional disturbances nearly always impact the body and common symptoms of depression are body aches, catching colds more easily, low libido and a feeling of hopelessness in your relationships or not being able to perform daily routines.

But these are all normal patterns of depression and by applying hypno -therapeutic techniques together with CBT, may help with environmental depression resulting from traumatic life events and faulty belief systems. You will begin to recover from this cycle, with more energy and clarity.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This is an anxiety disorder that can occur when you have experienced a terrifying experience such as a serious road accident, military combat or violence. This becomes a problem when the symptoms of nightmares, flashbacks, outbursts of anger, or feelings of guilt, continue months and years after the event. These intrusive symptoms may make you feel a complete lack of control over your mind and body.

  Hypnotherapy, NLP and CBT sessions will help to remind you of your own strengths and virtues, which is incredibly healing. The sessions will also give you the multiple tools, resources, and opportunities that you need, in order to take back a sense of control. 

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are an intense fear that something awful is about to happen and the symptoms can take over fairly rapidly. You may feel unable to control your physical symptoms and it is the most terrifying experience.

Panic attacks are very common and many people experience them in their life. They are not linked to any serious mental illness. Certain situations, events or people may trigger a panic attack and at other times the triggers may not be recognisable.

Hypnotherapy as well as cognitive behavioural therapy will show you how to deal with the fears of the physical sensations, give you an understanding that they are not life threatening. You will learn how to desensitise the sensations giving you back control over your life.

Anticipatory Anxiety or Performance Anxiety

This Anxiety disorder occurs when you are about to, or performing an activity or skill where the outcome is being judged. It is perfectly normal to have some anxiety before a driving test or exam hall nerves, but if this is crippling you to the point that you cannot function then this is where hypnotherapy can help. The uncomfortable feelings may be accompanied by negative self- talk and catastrophising, for example ’What if I fail the test’. Constant worrying and stress about the future activity puts immense pressure on the body and mind causing you to avoid the event entirely or perform badly.

Hypnotherapy combined with CBT can help to desensitise these everyday events or tests and restore balance to the mind and body helping you to achieve your goals.

Social Anxiety/ Anticipatory Anxiety and Fear of uncertainty.

Social Anxiety disorder SAD or social phobia is described as one of the most common of the anxieties. Certain social situations are avoided like shopping, meeting new people, eating in public because of the fear of saying something stupid, Fear of disapproval or fear of being judged. Everyone feels socially anxious at times, but if this is a persistent worry affecting everyday life then hypnotherapy and CBT can help you to relax in these situations and achieve your goals.

Phobias /Fears

Lots of people have fears and whether this is to do with spiders, flying or medical phobias like needles or sitting in a dentist chair, once triggered, the emotional feelings and panic can be terrifying. The phobia may have occurred a long time ago, but whilst the conscious memory has faded and you may not know why you are so scared of water or balloons, the emotional trauma remains as if it happened yesterday. This is because it has lodged into your deeper unconscious mind.

Many people have used Hypnotherapy as an effective tool in desensitising these fears, whilst relaxing in the safe space of the therapy room.

Fear of Uncertainty and Perfectionism

Do you feel uncomfortable with uncertainty wanting a guaranteed outcome before trying a new activity. Do you avoid taking risks and tend to play it safe because you are afraid of making mistakes, and so end up feeling bad or a failure. Are you constantly worried about what others think about you, and have a fear of being judged.

This type of self- doubt is a deeply engrained thinking pattern of perfectionists. This can be exhausting, affect your relationships with those around you and the quality of your life.

See Overcome Fear of Rejection and Fear of Uncertainty and Perfectionism here. For more information call for a free consultation to see if I can help you.

  • I came to see Anita for sleep problems but uncovered overthinking, fear of judgement and perfectionist habits, that I was completely unaware of, but was affecting my whole life. Anita helped me to understand how this can happen, but also how to deal with too many negative thoughts. Hypnotherapy, CBT and Mindfulness helped me focus back into the moment rather than constantly worrying about the future.

  • Anita’s Hypnotherapy helped me through a very stressful exam week. My anxiety caused me to have multiple panic attacks but after the hypnotherapy it decreased and I managed the anxiety and exams in a more effective way.

    I would recommend trying hypnotherapy for any problems, Anita was very professional and supportive.

    Mrs N
  • Anita helped me to deeply relax during hypnotherapy and I was surprised the next morning when, for the first time in years, I didn’t get the usual ‘morning anxiety’ that I have been waking up with for years.

    Mrs K

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The Dating Therapy Programme Affairs and Betrayal Anxiety & Stress Depression Anger & Addiction Bereavement Therapy Hypno-meditation Pre- Marriage Therapy Co-dependency Love Addiction & Toxic Marriage The Divorce & Separation Therapy Programme Should I Stay or Go – Marriage & Relationship Therapy Programme Self Esteem Self Love & Confidence


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  • I have been working with Anita and she has helped me with Relationship Therapy.

    I was lost and needed some direction. Anita has an aptitude for relationship issues and she spent time listening to my dating history and structured a program just for me. I found it very easy to follow, compared to some costly, so-called-relationship-experts, that I’ve used in the past. Anita’s programme helped me to become aware and change my thinking to stop repeating patterns of the past. I learned to create a new mind-set through her structured programme of hypnotherapy and CBT, in attracting love. Her voice was soothing and calming and I felt safe and relaxed with her during hypnotherapy. I strongly recommend Anita if you need help in attracting your soul mate.

    Ms M
  • Thanks, so much Anita, for everything! I’m really going to miss our sessions and talking to you, but I feel stronger now than I ever have before. I feel ready to tackle the next part of my life using all the tools you’ve provided to restore my self-confidence and self-belief. Before talking to you I was always so self-critical about myself; I could do better, work harder, be funnier, and this created such blocks in my life. But now I realise that the person I am - ‘is good enough’, I’m looking forward to getting to know myself in this light and it’s all because of you. You’ve changed my life xx

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